The Turi Putih is a Javanese song composed by Sunan Kalijaga. Currently, The Turi Putih song popularity has decreased and is no longer well known. The Turi Putih song has a deep spiritual meaning for Indonesian Muslim. This research tries to visualize the Turi Putih song in the Chinese meticulous painting technique. This research used a qualitative descriptive analysis and semiotics approach. The result of this study is an artwork that represents of the Turi Putih song by Sunan Kalijaga. In this painting, several objects containing symbols of death are displayed. The turi putih is the symbol of the pocong, the kedasih is the bird that brings death news, and the besurek batik is used to cover the corpse. The results of this research-creation are expected to enrich the treasure of global art diversity that continues to grow. Keywords: Reinterpretation, Turi Putih Song, Sunan Kalijaga, Chinese Meticulous Painting.References
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