
  • Nani Sriwardani Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Bandung
  • Reiza D. Dienaputra
  • Nyai Kartika
  • Susi Machdalena
  • Iip S Hidayana




Dukuh Traditional Village is one of the traditional villages in West Java that is closely related to various rituals. In this village, Islam is the belief that they adhere to, with the Quran and Hadith as a way of life in carrying out various activities, socializing, and worshiping. One of the activities based on this belief is the art of Terebang Sejak. The songs in this performance are collaborative expressions of understanding religiosity and local wisdom. Currently, Terebang Sejak is also performed at public events such as weddings, welcoming guests, and other events inside and outside the Dukuh Traditional Village. This study aims to provide an overview of the spirituality of the Terebang Sejak since it is included in the art series based on the beliefs it adheres to in the Dukuh Traditional Village. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach using literature, field data sources, and interviews with Dukuh artists. As a result, spiritual reflections were found in the series of art from Terebang Sejak. This research is expected to contribute to knowledge, and the preservation of the Terebang Sejak art originated from the Dukuh Traditional Village. Keywords: spirituality, the art of Terebang Sejak, Dukuh Traditional Village


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Interview List:

Mama Lukmanul Hakim (Mama Uluk). July, 2020. Kuncen (leader) of Dukuh Village, interviewed on July, 25th, 2020 at Bumi Adat (Traditional House) of the Inner Dukuh Village

Mr. Yayan. March, 2021. The Next Generation of Terebang Sejak Art. interviewed on March, 19th, 2021 at his house, The Outer Dukuh Village.





